Software Solutions Designed for
Every Stage of the Communication Lifecycle

Streamline Operations and Boost Efficiency with AI Technology

Designed to meet the needs of media intelligence organisations and PR practitioners, our award-winning technology provides solutions for you and your clients at every stage of the communications lifecycle.

Discover the pressrelations software suite: Stay ahead of the curve with our simplified content integration systematic – across all media types. A plug-and-play logic for your customer-facing portal with AI-powered measurement and analytics generation software for your team.

Get in touch, and find out what we can do for you >

Our Software Solutions

Data Sourcing
Boost data ingest powered by our exclusive partnerships, robust proprietary algorithms and advanced data retrieval methods.
Backend & Portal Solutions
Create smarter and better media outcomes thanks to our flexible backend and portal software, Media Review Center (MRC) and NewsRadar®.
PR & Communication Software
Help communication professionals in all industries develop digital marketing strategies to maximise media reach with ContentDesk.

Data Sourcing

Global online media data – via API into your systems

Our API enables you to easily integrate our global online media data into your business intelligence applications or topic planning tools. With the integration, you have optimal control and can save time through the automatic integration of our reliable sources.

Socia Media Solutions

Social Media is covered via API-calls to different social media platforms. The interfaces are controlled in real-time, based on keywords. The results can later be evaluated either automatically or by an editorial team, depending on settings, requirements and the complexity of the topic.

Real-time data with various information can be accessed here: Reach, Interaction, Media Type (e.g. X/Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, blogs, forums), Languages, Hashtag Clouds, Entities (e.g. companies, trending topics, brands)

Press Content

Thanks to tech partner companies, our proprietary measurement and analysis backend for editors and agile teams Media Review Center (MRC) can integrate a very wide range of print titles.

Our software solutions can also integrate the outcomes from several renowned suppliers in the field, like pressreader, Media:Track, Zissor, CCS and Ninestars, to name a few. This includes standard formats such as FIBEP’s XML.

Broadcast Content Integration

pressrelations software plug and play systematic streamlines all audio and video files originated in external broadcast software solutions such as ComVision, TVEyes and eMM into the Media Review Center (MRC).

Additionally, MP3 and MP4 files can be uploaded into our Media Review Center thanks to RTV Upload.

Backend & Portal Solutions

Measurement and analysis software for editors – Media Review Center (MRC)

MRC was designed specifically for the needs of the media intelligence industry. Aiming to facilitate and manage cross-media monitoring and analysis projects. Starting with the definition of the clients' profile and the selection of articles through to bundling and coding – all in an automatic, semi-automatic or manual workflow. Enhanced with several AI components and multiple delivery options.

Client facing portal – NewsRadar®

NewsRadar® stands as a testament to our commitment to innovation, ensuring top-notch usability and reliability. NewsRadar® provides a comprehensive view of cross-media contributions, seamlessly integrating content from both traditional media monitoring and social media monitoring into a centralized, highly customizable, analysis dashboard. And a broad range of data visualization options.

Key Features

Media Review Center (MRC)

Enables the topics of a specific content to be identified automatically.

Organizes large amounts of data such as articles or posts into thematic groups or clusters. This allows relevant topics and trends to be identified.

The sentiment analysis reveals the tonality of a certain content.


This gives you an even quicker overview of the latest headlines and saves you valuable time.

This gives you access to important metadata such as  circulation, distribution, advertising value equivalency, visits and broadcast time.


Numerous search and filter options for targeted research of articles, influencers, authors, topics etc.

Accessible on a 24/7 basis from any location, ensuring uninterrupted availability.

Clients' responsible person can make final edits to Media Reviews before distribution.


Reports can be generated in PDF or HTML format for easy distribution and sharing.

Allows for the creation and storage of special Media Reviews or RSS-feeds.

Real-time data collection on media response and social media buzz for quick insights.

Export Media Reviews via standard XML format for transfer to the Intranet and various additional formats.

Assign different privileges to different users for enhanced security and control.

PR & Communication Software

ContentDesk – Digital marketing tools

ContentDesk revolutionizes the content creation and distribution process by offering a comprehensive suite of tools seamlessly integrated within NewsRadar®. Whether crafting individual social media posts or orchestrating entire campaigns, ContentDesk empowers users to plan, optimize, and evaluate outreach efforts across diverse channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, and email. Its intuitive editor facilitates the creation of captivating emails, enabling the incorporation of engaging press releases and customizable templates with ease.

ContactManagement – Distribution Lists and Journalist Search

With ContactManagement users can add contacts and combine them to custom distribution lists for a targeted outreach with ContentDesk. To find the right audience, you can filter by relevant criteria such as topics, reach, and demographics and add the relevant results to your distribution lists. You can also import own contacts into the tool which gives you access to an extensive and enhanced database of media contacts and influencers.

»We rely on the optimal combination of AI-supported technology and the profound knowledge of our analysts and consultants. In this way, we can provide every customer with the best possible solution.«
Romina Gersuni, Global Strategy Manager, pressrelations

Ready to explore our products? Reach out now and let's kickstart a potential partnership!

We look forward to hearing from you and to introduce you to our software solutions.


About us

Who we are

pressrelations is a leading service and software provider for digital media monitoring and media analysis, with offices in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, USA, China, Singapore and Bulgaria.

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