Strong Together
— Our Network
Memberships and cooperations
Like every industry, the media industry thrives on mutual exchange, which we cultivate in particular through numerous cooperations and memberships. In cooperation with some partners we are constantly working on the development of innovative, exclusive analysis products such as FirstSignals®. Our memberships in important industry associations also result in important impulses, synergy effects and joint projects.
International association for the measurement and evaluation of communication (AMEC)
Founded in 1996, AMEC is a global trade association for companies in the social media measurement and traditional media measurement, evaluation and communication research. AMEC is the world´s largest media intelligence and insights professional body, providing a forum of information, knowledge sharing and best practices. Moreover, the association helps to standardize the media evaluation industry though the AMEC Quality Assurance Code. They are an internationally operating company and are the founding organisation of best practice resources.
Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)
Formed in 1947, the Public Relations Society of America is a nonprofit trade association for public relations professionals. PRSA members have access to various accreditations and tools for professional development and career growth. The PRSA has various accreditation programs, including the APR (accreditation in public relations) or the Anvil awards. With their code of ethics, the PRSA sets some ground rules in the pr world. The code expects PRSA members to avoid derogatory methods, avoid abusing insider information and to identify the source of their communications.
The Fédération Internationale des Bureaux d'Extraits de Presse (FIBEP) is an association of media monitoring companies from over 60 countries, founded in Paris in 1953. The association has more than 100 members who are in regular contact with each other. One of FIBEP's goals is to support its members in international cooperation and the global orientation of solutions in areas such as PR, databases, media monitoring and media analysis.

Newz Group
Newz Group is a digital media technology company. Since 1995, Newz Group is operating a multi-state media monitoring service. They are monitoring about one-third of all newspapers published in America, print and online news, social media and broadcast (TV & radio). Through supporting and analyzing the free press, Newz Group is providing insights and analysis that compels and supports action.
Handelsblatt Media Group
In cooperation with the Handelsblatt Media Group, we have developed the innovative analysis tool FirstSignals®, which identifies emerging, socially relevant trends and topics at an early stage. While the Handelsblatt Media Group already uses the tool to analyze its own topics, other companies use it to draw conclusions for their marketing and communication strategies, such as content marketing, topic placement and product orientation.

In cooperation with prmagazin, we carry out an analysis of a current and socially relevant topic every month. Past analyses have dealt with the connection between artificial intelligence and digitization, the media image of the DAX30 supervisory boards and the social media content of global mobile phone giants. Further concrete examples can be found in our blog.

Global Media Intelligence Alliance
Founded in 2014, the Global Media Intelligence Alliance comprises seven leading monitoring and analysis service providers:
- Auxipress (Belgium, Luxembourg)
- L'Eco della Stampa (Italy)
- Ornico (South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria)
- Pressdata (Great Britain)
- Rebold (Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Peru, USA)
- Up2News (France)
- pressrelations (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, China, Ireland, Singapore, USA)
GMI members pool their resources and expertise with the aim of ensuring global source coverage, local presence and availability for clients around the world, as well as common analysis quality standards. The partners are in close exchange of media data, technology and know-how.

We were one of the first media monitoring companies to offer our customers digital solutions for media monitoring and analysis, so we joined the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. at a very early stage. The association is the central lobby for companies that offer digital business models and whose added value lies within the digital industry. Since the member companies are active in the most diverse segments of the Internet industry, the BVDW is positioned in an interdisciplinary manner and thus has a holistic view of the topics of the digital economy.

The Deutsche Public Relations Gesellschaft e.V. (DPRG) sees itself as a network of committed colleagues who share their knowledge and value professional exchange. The DPRG reflects the diversity of the communications industry in Germany: from freelance communications consultants to managing directors of well-known agencies or communications managers of listed companies. The professional association was founded in 1958; it fosters the next generation in the industry and is actively involved in raising the professional standards.