pressrelations strengthens Global Media Intelligence Alliance
pressrelations to replace Unicepta in the alliance of leading European media companies

Dusseldorf, 08-22-2019
pressrelations GmbH today announced its entry into the GMI Alliance, an international association of market leaders in the media intelligence industry. The full-service media monitoring provider prevailed in the selection procedure among top German media intelligence companies, thus replacing Unicepta GmbH. The aim of the GMI is to pool the skills and services of its members in order to respond faster and more effectively to global customer needs.
"The GMI is a powerful alliance of experts that jointly and successfully meet the growing demands of our industry at the local and global level. Its approach to work and its service portfolio are complemented in a unique way by pressrelations' digital and cross-media expertise, our deep software development knowledge and our agile, collaborative approach", says Romina Gersuni, Global Strategy Manager at pressrelations. "We believe this alliance will help develop world-leading media intelligence solutions that will enable our customers to succeed in the new digital business world."
Founded in 2014, the Global Media Intelligence Alliance now comprises seven leading monitoring and analysis service providers, including Auxipress (Belgium, Luxembourg), L'Eco della Stampa (Italy), Ornico (South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria), Pressdata (United Kingdom), Rebold (Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Peru, USA), Up2News (France) and pressrelations (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, China, Ireland, Singapore, USA). In the future, GMI members will combine their resources and competencies in 21 countries on five continents. With the aim of ensuring global coverage of media sources, local presence and availability for customers around the world, as well as common analysis quality standards, the alliance's partners agree on a transparent exchange of media data, technology and know-how.
"pressrelations managed to convince the members of the GMI Alliance in particular with its in-house developed data mining and crawler technology as well as with its worldwide network of cooperation and system partners", says Joachim von Beust, Managing Partner of Auxipress, Belgium's leading media intelligence provider. "We are looking forward to enriching exchange of strategies and creating synergies in quite a few areas."
pressrelations GmbH
Founded in 2001, pressrelations GmbH, with headquarters in Duesseldorf and branches in Berlin, Hamburg, Austin, Dublin, Moscow, Singapore and Sofia, is an international service provider for cross-media monitoring and analysis services. The company combines in-house technology with human expertise through its news managers, analysts and consultants. pressrelations provides practical insights and guidance to over 500 customers, for planning, controlling and evaluating their communication work.
GMI Alliance
GMI – global media intelligence – is an international alliance of seven leading European service providers from the media monitoring and media analysis industry. Rebold (Spain), Up2News (France), Auxipress (Belgium), L’Eco della Stampa (Italy), Pressdata (UK), Ornico (South Africa) and pressrelations (Germany) are bringing together their resources in 21 countries. GMI is thus creating global competence combined with established local expertise.
Contact for further information:
pressrelations GmbH
Klosterstraße 112
40211 Düsseldorf
Romina Gersuni
Global Strategy Manager
Tel. +49 (0)211/1752077-814